Long’s Chapel Adult GROW ministries offer opportunities for individuals from all walks of life to gather with others and grow in their faith. Courses are based on Biblical topics as well as a variety of life situations and realities. Many groups gather with peers, many gather over a topic, and others follow along with the current sermon series. Our goal in Adult GROW is to offer everyone something as we all continue to grow and change as a Church family in our lives and our faith.


Explore Sunday school, GROW Groups, and studies.


If you'd like to start a new group, let us know so we can assist you!


Contact our Director of Discipleship, Laura Greer, if you have more questions about adult groups.

Watch Our Latest Sermon Series


What is the difference between Sunday School, LIFE Groups or bible/book studies?

Sunday School: These groups, as the name implies, typically meet on a Sunday morning either before or after participating in a worship service. Much like LIFE groups, Sunday School groups might choose to base their curriculum around a book, scripture, a season of life, or a plethora of other areas of focus. Sunday School groups often form long-term bonds, sometimes lasting for decades. While Sunday School groups provide a consistent environment that often fosters deep interpersonal bonds, they are still very warm and open to newcomers.

LIFE Groups:Life groups are incredibly varied in their range of topics and may last for a season, a year, or several years. Life groups gather around a breadth of interests, topics, and life situations. They could be active in the community or focused on building a community among individuals or families. Life groups meet at different times and, with emerging video conferencing technology use, can often meet over any stretch of geographic area.

Bible/Book Studies:As the title suggests, these groups typically meet around a specific Biblical book or topic or a book or author of interest. Often these studies are spiritually based. The format of these groups could include a combination of lecture and group discussion. They might last for a specific period of time or continue indefinitely, guided by the group's interests. One constant in these groups is that they will always focus on the written word and tie their discussions and teachings.

Tell me more about LIFE Groups?

At Long's Chapel, LIFE Groups are vital to building significant Christian relationships and growing closer to God. Life Groups are a way for you to meet new people running after the same goal – loving God and loving others. Outside of the weekly meeting times, groups "do life together," meaning they do social events, mission/service projects, and other life events. They become your close trusted community win Long's chapel.

The desired outcome of small group ministry known as LIFE Groups is to build community and grow in our understanding of the walk as a follower of Jesus the Christ. The intent is to foster deeper relationships with the people in the group and with God. LIFE Groups have deep roots in John Wesley and his work in establishing Methodism, as they became a foundation practice within the movement.

The essence of small groups is to provide grace-filled discussions of Scripture's application in our lives; therefore, the name LIFE Group. A LIFE Group meeting allows time for discussion sharing in the journey of life yet relies on biblical wisdom.

How do I use ZOOM?

Zoom is free. It allows groups of people to connect over the internet using the microphone and camera on your computer, laptop, tablet, or phone. You may also call in via your phone without internet.

From your computer or laptop, click on the ZOOM link your leader has sent out. ZOOM will launch automatically in your default Internet browser. Or, you can go to www.Zoom.us and select "Join Meeting". You will be prompted to enter a meeting ID and password. You will find that information in the meeting invitation message.

For a phone or tablet, you will need to download the "ZOOM Cloud Meetings" app, and then you will be able to click on the link to launch Zoom. You will be prompted to enter a meeting ID and password. You will find that information in the meeting message.

Please log in 10 minutes early to make sure everything is working correctly. This is also a great way to have a little social time. You can 'mute' yourself, or the leader can mute individuals. Background noise causes Zoom to 'ping pong' around the various attendees because it can't determine who is speaking. If you are not actively speaking, please use "mute."

We encourage you to participate in online activities and stay connected as best you can. If you need assistance connecting, please contact your leader or our Director of Digital Discipleship at Joey.Webb@LongsChapel.com.

What is the format of adult GROW groups?

The general format of meetings is an unscripted intro time 15 minutes "connect and chat," opening prayer, lesson and discussion 30 minutes, prayer requests and closing prayer 10 minutes.
The format of each weekly meeting is about an hour. Most groups will currently meet via ZOOM, but some may form "pods" and meet in person.

How do I start a new group?

That is so exciting, and we would love to help you! If you would like to start a new group, fill out the online form located on this page. Your new group could be whatever you are most passionate about! Maybe you want to create a group for dads, or a group for parents with teenage age children, perhaps you are really interested in a specific book or study - we would love to help you and help you promote persons to participate with you!

What will we study?

New LIFE Groups are encouraged to study along with the sermon series - allowing you to go deeper into the topic and continue the conversation from Sunday's message. But you're also welcome to form LIFE groups based on topical studies (marriage, parenting, teenager, careers, etc.) or authored books with studies or books of the Bible.