Making Space for Lament
“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23 (NIV)
Do you feel like the world is falling apart?
It’s a story that spans throughout history. A broken world in need of a savior.
While we as Christians have our hope in Christ, we neglect our souls if we hold onto that hope with a shallow faith. We must go deeper.
It can be scary to go deeper, to face those things we’d rather not. Lament is a spiritual practice that can help us go deeper into those vulnerable spaces. To skip over the necessity of lament as a spiritual practice can lead to a sinful tendency of defensiveness and avoidance.
Lamentations is a book of the Bible devoted to lament. Just as the people of Jerusalem lamented the destruction of their city, Lamentations is a reminder to acknowledge the realities of life and what we endure. Lament gives us a picture of how to respond and reach out to God during times of distress and grief.
Lamentations also reminds us that God’s love will never fail us. The theology of Lamentations centers on a relationship with God. It offers a message of hope and comfort in the face of tragedy, a triumph of faith.
When we lament, we name that which is causing our distress and grief. We don’t avoid it. We don’t skip over it and pretend it’s not there. We acknowledge it, and take it to God, who we know is faithful. When it seems as though things are falling apart, we can claim the promise in Colossians 1:17, “He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”
Jesus also expressed sorrow through lament for his people. His times of lament which are recorded in the Bible include when he wept over his friend, Lazarus (John 11:35); over the beloved, but rebellious city, Jerusalem (Luke 19:41); and in Gethsemane (Hebrews 5:7-9), as he faced his call to the cross. Yet, Jesus was so deeply moved that following his lament, he took action. He raised Lazarus from the dead. He cleared the temple in Jerusalem and taught there daily in spite of the threats against him. He answered the call to the cross and rose again as our triumphant savior.
Following the way of Jesus, we should also take time to lament. To give ourselves the space and grace for grief and sorrow, while holding that in tension with our hope and faith.
What brokenness are you feeling in your life? Lay it at the feet of our risen savior. God is so much bigger than our brokenness.
God, we come to you as broken people. We lament the many things going on in our world. Yet we know in your sight, in spite of all the chaos and messiness, you see us as beautiful. Help us to be beautifully broken people who grow closer to you through lament as we journey in hope and faith. Help us to see each other through your eyes. Help us to sit with lament and not avoid it, but to process our grief and sorrow prayerfully. May we move into the space of hope you hold for each of us, while allowing our lament to inform that space so we may act through the lens of your great commandment, love for God and others. We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
-Cynthia Warner & Laura Greer
Health and Wellness Ministry
Health is the ultimate design of God for humanity. The Health and Wellness Ministry focuses on promoting health and wellness based on the holistic belief that harmony for our bodies, minds, and spirits leads to wholeness. The ministry is led by the Faith Community/Parish Nurse and offers a variety of health education activities, programs, and resources for all ages and lifespans. For more information, or to volunteer, contact Cynthia Warner at
Women2Women is a ministry that encourages women to cultivate an intimate relationship with Christ, while also exploring how God has uniquely created, gifted, and called each of us. We connect with women where they are in life’s journey, providing opportunities for spiritual growth, health and wellness, intergenerational fellowship, friendship, and mentoring. Events and retreats are targeted to the needs of women so we can grow deeper in our faith, develop our gifts and abilities, and establish long-lasting friendships. For more information, contact Laura Greer at (828) 456-3993, ext. 204 or, or Vickie Staib at (828) 646-8819.